• Question: hew many elements are on the periodic table

    Asked by anon-193358 to Morwenna, Jamal, iainstaniland, Heidi, Emma, Carl on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Iain Staniland

      Iain Staniland answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      LOL I am learning a lot in this Challenge. Despite my dad being a chemist (he worked on making glues more sticky) I always struggled at school with Chemistry. I could give you the answer of “118” that came up in the google search but it will probably be out of date very soon as scientists discover and name more elements. How cool would it be to discover a new element!

    • Photo: Carl Heron

      Carl Heron answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      Iain is right!
      Currently 118. The element with the atomic number 118 has just been named as Oganesson. It was discovered in 2006. Most, if not all, of the elements with very high atomic numbers are short-lived and only ‘made’ under special laboratory conditions.
      Finally, Mendeleev was a real genius for working out the Periodic Table. He was able to predict the occurrence of elements in the table even where the element had not yet been discovered! He would definitely win’ I’m a Scientist get me out of here.’

    • Photo: Emma Crawford

      Emma Crawford answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      Looks like Carl and Iain beat me to it, but after also checking on Google it does appear there are 118 elements on the standard periodic table.

      However, I am a sucker for any science puns/ memes and in my search came across this EXCELLENT combination of my two passions – science and Disney! Boys and girls, I present to you the Disney Periodic table – have fun convincing your chemistry teachers with this one 😉

      Let me know you’re favourite Disney-alternative element! 😀

    • Photo: Heidi Gardner

      Heidi Gardner answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Iain, Carl and Emma beat me to it on this one – the answer is 118
      Emma’s Disney periodic table is brilliant too, I think my favourite Disney element is Cr – Christopher Robin. I went to see the Christopher Robin film at the cinema a few weeks ago and it was sooo cute!
