• Question: How can you raise awareness to under water pollution?

    Asked by anon-193089 to iainstaniland on 2 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Iain Staniland

      Iain Staniland answered on 2 Nov 2018:

      If you managed to catch the brilliant Blue Planet series you will have seen that they highlighted the effects of noise pollution caused by small boats on reef fish. This is an excellent way to raise such concerns. You must have seen how much news there has been about plastic pollution since this series. However this does rely on media people being interested enough so as scientists we have to try and promote our work with them and show why it is important.
      A first step is to do basic research so that we can demonstrate why noise pollution is an issue and how it effects different animals. Once we have enough evidence we need to work together to spread the word to the general public, to conservation groups and to policy makers in governments.
      In my case, I have been working with an artist called Emma Critchley to turn the underwater noises we have recorded in the Antarctic into an exhibit that will help people experience what it is like. One of the ideas is to put this in a underground foot tunnel so people can listen as they walk though, educating them on the move. We also have plans to make the sounds into music to reach people though radio broadcasts. Such collaborations are great fun and a brilliant way to work with people who have fresh new interesting ideas far removed from logical scientists like me.
