• Question: How many drugs are there that people use to help headaches?

    Asked by anon-193079 to Emma on 2 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Emma Crawford

      Emma Crawford answered on 2 Nov 2018: last edited 2 Nov 2018 2:16 pm

      According to drugs.com, they list 76 drugs that are in some way related to or used in treating headaches, see here for more info: https://www.drugs.com/condition/headache.html.

      This is an American database, I struggled to find a UK one! It gives you a rough idea of the types of medications people take to help their headaches but may not contain everything.

      Their list includes drugs available through prescription from your doctor and drugs available over the counter from a pharmacy or from medication aisle in a shop.

      Some of the drugs listed include drugs that are taken “off-label”. “Off-label” means the drug is being used in a way that is not stated on the approved label/ drug information leaflet in the packaging. Drugs should only be taken “off-label” after speaking to a doctor or pharmacist, see here for more info: https://www.gov.uk/drug-safety-update/off-label-or-unlicensed-use-of-medicines-prescribers-responsibilities

      Please do not try to take any medications at home for any other reason that specified on the packaging without speaking to your doctor first! 🙂 (I don’t want to get in trouble! :o)
